About Department of Applied Biological Science

Faculty of Engineering What is the difference between Department of Biotechnology and Life Science and ?

This is a very common question, so we have posted the answers on the "Undergraduate Entrance Examination Q&A" page on our website.

What percentage of people get into their desired research lab?

Since there is a limit to the number of people each Faculty Member member can supervise in graduation research, there is a limit to the number of people who can be in a laboratory. In some cases, if that limit is exceeded, the decision on whether or not to assign students may be made based on the criteria of each laboratory. Therefore, unfortunately, it is not possible to give a general answer to the question of what the percentage is.

How many people do research in your laboratory?

Currently, the number of students assigned to a laboratory for graduation research is limited to 2-3 per Faculty Member.
In addition, over 80% of students continue on to a master's course in the same laboratory after graduation.
There are also students from other universities who are in the master's or doctoral programs, and sometimes there are also postdocs, so I think there are about 10 people per Faculty Member member. In laboratories with two Faculty Member, the number of students is about double that.

-What specific laboratories are there in the Department of Applied Biological Science?

Please refer to Faculty Member introduction page of Department of Applied Biological Science for more information.


I definitely want to research about the deliciousness of rice. Is it possible to conduct research in the field of agricultural chemistry, such as ``tastiness,'' or a field that combines biology, food, agriculture, and chemistry?

He is interested in the deliciousness of rice. I hope he has the qualities to become a researcher.
Department of Applied Biological Science does not conduct research into the deliciousness of rice, but it does conduct world-class research in areas such as food chemistry and cultivation environment.
There are also Professor conducting research on rice cultivation. After entering university, you will have the opportunity to hear about the fascinating aspects of research from such specialized researchers (Professor) in various classes. Incidentally, in scientific research, the value standard is novelty. Research that has already been carried out by someone else becomes outdated. Therefore, I hope that you will not forget your research ideas and build a new research field. Why not apply to university education without losing sight of your current motivation for research?

Is your department conducting research on things like genetic modification to change the color of flowers, or anything related to that?

In Department of Applied Biological Science, many laboratories are conducting research on genetic modification. In the field of biology, genetic modification experiments are a very common technique, so there are few laboratories that do not conduct such experiments. However, there are not many laboratories conducting research on changing the color of flowers. For example, the phenomenon of RNA interference is involved in the formation of patterns in flowers, so such research is being conducted.

Where do most people work? Please be as specific as possible. I would appreciate it if you could provide the company name etc.

At Department of Applied Biological Science, over 80% of undergraduate graduates go on to master's programs.
The rate of students who go on to doctoral programs from the Graduate Graduate School of Agriculture 's Master's Program in Applied Life Sciences or Biocontrol Science is around 10-15%, and most of them go on to find employment in manufacturers of food, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, etc.
For more details, please refer to the latter half of the video of the department head's explanation at the department information session (around the 42 minute mark). The names of the companies are also specifically listed, so please refer to it.

What kind of work are people assigned to when they join a food company? Also, will my knowledge from university be useful?

Many of the graduates who find employment in food companies seem to work in product development, research, etc. However, depending on the company, the right person is placed in the right position, so even if you have a science degree, you may be able to work in a variety of positions.
Department of Applied Biological Science has established a curriculum called the "Food Hygiene Course," and students who complete this course can earn the credits necessary to become a food hygiene inspector (required if they become a civil servant and work as a food hygiene inspector at a public health center) and a food hygiene manager (required for managers of food company factories, etc.).
