2022-07-15 Intelligent Information System Engineering Experiment 2B "Signal Processing"/"Digital Communication and Error Correction Code"

Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science One showing a third-year student's "Intelligent Information Systems Engineering Experiment 2B" class!
This class applies the electrical and electronic engineering theory, measurement, and programming that students have learned so far, and applies the basic technologies of electronic and information engineering such as electronic devices, signal processing, communication/control, and circuit design. To acquire practical skills related to
Wang conducts experiments on seven themes.

On this day, four experiments were being conducted: ``signal processing,'' ``digital communication and error correction codes,'' ``microcontrollers and AD/DA conversion experiments,'' and ``light emission, light reception, and light transmission.''
Today, I'll be introducing "signal processing" and "digital communications and error correction codes."

The first three photos show the "signal processing" experiment group.
Here we learn the basics of how audio and images work and how to process them!
The students are using computers to write programs.
On the screen there were complex graphs and a difficult-looking program... Hakken and Koken would also like to be able to understand programs like this!

The 4th to 6th photos show an experiment on "digital communications and error correction codes."
This is the basis of how mobile phones can communicate!
This experiment uses sound data, so everyone is wearing headphones.

Next week, we'll be introducing experiments on "microcontroller and AD/DA conversion experiments" and "light emission/reception and light transmission"!
# Hakken and Koken 's educational exploration # Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology # TUAT #university #university #tokyo #tokyo #tokyo #university entrance exam #exam #exam student # Faculty of Agriculture # Faculty of Engineering #campus life #university student #classroom #experiment #computer #information system #programming # Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science #information #digital communication #computer #IT #electricity

Related Links
- 2022-07-19 Intelligent Information System Engineering Experiment 2B "Microcomputer and AD/DA Conversion Experiment"/"Emission/Reception and Light Transmission"
- Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Official Instagram (@tuat_hakkenkoken)