Department of Ecoregion Science Admission and Employment Status

We will introduce the progression and employment situation of students in Department of Ecoregion Science Faculty of Agriculture.

Career Paths for the Department of Department of Ecoregion Science

We would like to introduce the career paths available to Department of Ecoregion Science.

Advancement to higher education/employment status

Department Department of Ecoregion Science, 2021 Entrance and Employment Status

Classification ratio
Graduate School


find work


For those other than the above

16 %


Percentage by employment industry

Industry ratio
Manufacturing Ten %
Telecommunications Ten %
Academic research, professional and technical services 13 %
Construction industry 13 %
Real estate and goods rental business 7%
Agriculture and Forestry 17%
Finance and insurance 3%
Transportation and postal services 3%
Official duties 17 %
Services (not elsewhere classified) 7%


A list of companies where graduates were employed

ONWARD Sansui Consultant Nippon Paper Industries
Nomi Disaster Prevention Earrings Itochu Construction Materials
IT companies Sumisho Foods Nakano Eye System
Sumitomo Forestry Forest Service Oji Management Office Showa
Tomohisa area IBM Systems Engineering Japan
Meiken Industry Public Interest Incorporated Foundation
Kochi Prefecture Noichi Zoo Association
National Research and Development Agency
Forest Research and Management Organization Forest Management Center
JA Echigo Joetsu Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association Japanese Consumers' Co-operative Union
Tochigi Prefecture Ibaraki Prefecture Saitama
Tokyo Kanagawa Prefecture Nagano Prefecture

