Lecture: "Development of future silk materials and their innovative applications for creating new value"

"Silk" is a natural polymer produced by silkworms, and humans have used it since ancient times as a fiber material and for clothing. In recent years, however, researchers have focused on the value of silk as a "protein" rather than simply as a fiber, and are exploring its applications in various fields. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, as a pioneer in silk research, has published many interesting research results on silk proteins.
In this lecture, we will introduce some trivia about the familiar fiber "silk" as well as provide an easy-to-understand explanation of cutting-edge research into the development of "next-generation silk proteins" that can be obtained by maximizing the inherent potential of silk and further functionalizing it, and how to utilize them.

Event outline

Date and time: Saturday, September 7, 2024, 10:30-11:15 (Doors open 10:00)
Location: Shinjuku Gyoen Information Center, 2nd floor lecture room
   Shinjuku Gyoen User Guide (Ministry of the Environment website)
Target: 5th grade and above
Capacity: 50 people
Co-organized by Tokyo University of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and Technology and Shinjuku Gyoen Management Office, Ministry of the Environment


You can apply in advance using the form below.
If there is space available, we will accept participation on the day.

Lecture "Development of Future Silk Materials and Their Innovative Applications for Creating New Value" Registration (Google Form)

Advance applications are now closed (12:00 on September 6, 2024).
We have some space available, so we will also accept same-day reservations.


Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Faculty of Engineering Department of Biotechnology and Life Science
Professor Yasumoto Nakazawa


Professor at the Graduate Institute of Engineering Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology University of Agriculture and Technology.
He completed his doctoral program Department of Biotechnology and Life Science School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology University of Agriculture and Technology in 2003, and served as a special research fellow at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Assistant Professor at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology University of Agriculture Nature and Science Museum, and Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of Engineering at the same university, before assuming his current position in 2020. He currently serves as a director of the Japan Sericultural Co., Ltd. General Incorporated Foundation and Deputy Director General Fiber Society of Japan. He is a recipient of the Fiber Society of Japan Award in 2020.

Contact Information

