President's Column 7 (Jul. 26, 2023)
オーストラリア Energreen Nutrition社と中国竞彩网がMoU(国際事業連携)を締結しました
Energreen Nutrition of Australia and TUAT have signed an MoU (international business collaboration).
Energreen Nutrition社は100%オーストラリア資本で、プロテインミール、ファイバー、綿実、キャノーラ、穀物、リン酸塩、オイルを専門に取り扱っています。また、オーストラリアにおける植林等で長年の実績を有しています。
The company is 100% Australian owned and specializes in protein meal, fiber, cottonseed, canola, grain, phosphate, and oil. The company also has a long track record in afforestation in Australia.
TUAT will plan and promote a new large-scale afforestation, energy and food production and supply business in Australia based on collaboration with the company and Japanese and Australian companies. Immediately after the MoU was signed, TUAT and the company's executive team began concrete discussions on international R&D collaboration and the establishment of a business model for a new environmentally conscious energy supply business in Australia in collaboration with Japanese companies expected to participate.