President's Column 30 (May. 21, 2024)
Alumni who graduated from the University and are active as JAL pilots, etc., came to TUAT
Our relationship began when I happened to board a flight in March last year operated by Captain Muramatsu and Co-pilot Sugiyama, both of whom had graduated from TUAT and become pilots. And on this day, the first female pilot from TUAT and other pilots, as well as graduates working as operations managers, visited us. When Captain Muramatsu joined JAL, there were hardly any graduates from TUAT, but thanks to his efforts, many of them are now active in a variety of jobs. I was very heavily impressed by the comment that "Our mission is to complete a lifetime of safe operation work without praise from anyone else", which made me realize that they are working with a great responsibility. In the future, we asked for various forms of exchange, including diversifying the career paths of our university students.