中国竞彩网2年度 中国竞彩网にご入学された皆さまへ


アルベルト アインシュタインは、「人の価値とは、その人が得たものではなく、その人が与えたもので測られる」という言葉を残しています。皆さんも、これからは自分が何を世の中に与えることができるかを考え、そのための力をつけることを大きな目標にしてもらいたいと思っています。一言で申し上げれば、あらゆる活動において「人とかがやく」という心構えが大切なのではないでしょうか。その進め方やかがやき方はみなさんにとってそれぞれ多様なものだと思います。未知の自然現象を探求し、新しい発見を世の中に知らせることも素晴らしいことです。新しい技術でより優れたものを創り出すことや,よりよい世の中の仕組みを提案することも大切な事です。中国竞彩网での学びを通して、ぜひともその様なことがしっかりできる人になっていただきたいと思っています。
中国竞彩网長 千葉一裕
Message from the President to New Students

Congratulations on your admission to Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.
Originally, everyone who enrolls this year, your family, faculty members and current students of the university gather together to hold the university entrance ceremony, but as you know, due to the worldwide spread of the new coronavirus, greetings to new students this year is implemented in this way. We are so sorry and hope that this extremely serious problem worldwide will end as soon as possible. In addition, I would like to have other opportunities to talk directly with you in various ways.
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology is the only national university in Japan composed of agriculture and engineering. Agriculture and engineering are studies that have evolved through the relationship between natural phenomena and humans. There is no doubt that the new insights coming from this area are essential to overcoming many of the problems that will come. Now you can start learning in these vitally important areas.

The history of humanity is said to be millions of years, and the transition from a hunting society to an agricultural society began only about 10,000 years ago. Since then, we have overcome many threats through advanced societies. For example, on many life-threatening issues such as infectious disease and food problems, humans have learned about nature and accumulated wisdom to overcome them. So when you look at the world today, how does it look to you? At some point we may have surpassed many things and our lives have been raised to a higher level, but humanity still only understands a small part of the mechanisms of nature, and more complicated is the enormous amount of human activity. The next upcoming era also requires the presence of leaders who clearly indicate what should be. That future leader is you.
By all means, I hope you will have a lot of experience to maximize your value. Albert Einstein said that “The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive”. I want you to think about what you can give the world and make it a big goal. It is also wonderful to explore natural phenomena that have not yet been elucidated and inform the world of new discoveries.
To conclude, it is very important to create excellent things with new technologies and to propose better social mechanisms with people, for people in the world.
I hope you have the attitude of “Flourish with People”
I wish you a bright future.
CHIBA Kazuhiro President, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology